Sunday, November 20, 2011

Auburn Homecoming

These two guys had a great time at their first Auburn Game!
Amazement is on there faces!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


 CrossFit is awesome!  It is a internet based way to workout. CrossFit is a very minimalistic lots of push ups, pull ups, sit ups, air squats, kettle bell swings. and few other basic moves. The workouts filter down through their main website.

9 basic movements of crossfit:
1. air squat
2. front squat
3. overhead sqaut
4. deadlift
5. sumo-deadlift high pull
6. shoulder press
7. push press
8. push jerk
9. medicine ball clean

I love their catch phrase. "A Forging Elite Fitness" Here lately this has been my choice for training for this Tough Mudder.